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Penkridge Middle Way logo with a red checkmark, representing school values of Effort, Encouragement, and Excellence.

The ‘Penkridge Middle Way’ is our culture of positive behaviour, that we, as a school community, share and strive towards.  It is based on our 3 values (3 E’s) and 3 rules (R, R & S).

Watch our behaviour curriculum Microsoft Sway to read about why we believe in teaching strong routines to build our whole-school culture of positive behaviours.

A colourful pastoral curriculum roadmap showing key learning milestones for student wellbeing and behaviour development.

Meet the Pastoral Staff

Mr R Cole, Deputy Headteacher and Behaviour Lead at Penkridge Middle School.

Mr R Cole - Deputy Headteacher - Behaviour Lead

Mrs Williams, SENDCo at Penkridge Middle School.

Mrs Williams - 


Mrs Howes, Pastoral Support Manager and Mental Health Lead.

Mrs Howes -

Pastoral Support Manager & Mental Health Lead

Miss Brothwood , Pastoral & SEND Liaison Mentor at Penkridge Middle School.

Miss Brothwood - Pastoral/SEND Liaison Mentor


Form Teacher - Each student has a form teacher. They are your first line of contact and will be able to provide answers and resolve most queries. Where additional support is required, they are best placed to communicate these messages to the relevant members of staff.

School Values

Our expectation is that you always give 100% effort, offer positive encouragement to others and demonstrate an excellent attitude to learning.




A red banner displaying Penkridge Middle School values: Encouragement, Excellence, and Effort, promoting student ambition and success.

School Rules

We teach students our 3 school rules: ready, respectful, and safe.

A grey and white graphic showing the Penkridge Middle School rules: Ready, Respectful, Safe.

To show everyone you are Ready

• Stop, look and listen to the person talking

• Wear the correct school uniform and arrive on time

• Bring all the correct equipment to school and to every class

To show everyone you are Respectful

• Tell the truth

• Speak to all adults and other students in a polite manner

• Listen to others

• Show positive body language

• Care for our school environment

To show everyone you are Safe

• Walk calmly and sensibly around school

• Follow the safety instructions for using equipment in practical activities

• No physical play

• Never talk, or behave, in an aggressive or threatening way to anybody

Praise Systems to Support Behaviour

To acknowledge the efforts of students following the PMS Way there are a range of daily, weekly and termly positives to recognise and promote good behaviours.  Visible Behaviour badge with the Penkridge Middle School logo, promoting positive student behaviour and recognition.


  • Students have the opportunity to earn positive points from all staff every day and every lesson.
  • Staff also recognise students who go over and above and deserve additional merits or even a WAGOLL (What a Good One Looks Like) praise postcard.


  • Form Teachers award a merit at the end of eachStudent Merit Awards graphic outlining the reward system at Penkridge Middle School. Students earn termly awards, weekly merits, and daily positive points.  week for students who have a perfect week (no negatives) and another for those who have achieved 100% attendance. In addition, all eligible students are placed into our 'Feel Good Friday' end of the week prize draw with the chance of winning an extra treat.
  •  Form Teachers also decide on their form ‘Star of the Week’ to recognise the efforts of someone who has embodied the values of the school and shone in their form group. 


Achievement assemblies provide a special opportunity to recognise the success of students and form groups throughout the term with the awarding of certificates and prizes in front of their year group.

Four student merit award badges: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, recognising student achievements at Penkridge Middle School.