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Black and white icon of a checklist with people, representing school attendance and punctuality.As a school, we have a clear attendance policy which is based on the expectations set out by the Department for Education and Penk Valley Academy Trust. We politely ask that you take a moment to read the PVAT attendance policy, so you are clear of our expectations around punctuality and attendance.

We believe that our whole school culture of high attendance is underpinned by clear expectations, procedures, and responsibilities. We work closely with families, VIP Education and Staffordshire Country Council to ensure that our attendance policy is understood and followed by all.

Mr R Cole, Deputy Headteacher and Attendance Lead at Penkridge Middle School.

Mr R Cole - Deputy Headteacher - Attendance Champion

Miss J Colley, School Attendance Administrator at Penkridge Middle School.

Miss J Colley - School Attendance Administrator

VIP Education logo featuring a colourful abstract design with four dots

Mrs A Cooling - External Education Welfare Officer from VIP Education

Student Absence Procedure

  • Please inform school as soon as possible on each day of absence. To report the reason - call 01785 413400 or use ClassCharts.
  • If absent, please provide evidence to support it. Evidence can be handed into the office in person, sent to the office via ClassCharts or emailed to
  • For planned absences, please inform the school at the earliest opportunity by ringing or emailing the school office and providing proof of the appointment.

ClassCharts logo representing student attendance and absence reporting system.