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Black and white icon of two people connected by arrows, symbolising school transition and new student support.

A warm welcome to all new starters! Our website is a place that will give you and your families lots of information to help you prepare for life at Penkridge Middle School. Amongst many things, you will find our uniform policy, term dates, curriculum overviews, key staff and structure of the day particularly useful as you get ready to join. In addition to our website, don’t forget to start following our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with the latest goings-on at PMS.

Aims of Transition:

  • To give a friendly and warm welcome to Penkridge Middle School
  • To set the highest expectations for all students, ensuring they understand and embrace the Penkridge Middle way
  • To support students with the challenges of starting Middle school
  • To increase awareness of our school rules and values

Typical Timeline of Events


  • Open week provides an opportunity to visit Penkridge Middle School and take a guided tour of the school with a senior leader


  • The Staffordshire County Council application system opens


  • Applications to join Middle School close


  • Data collection forms are sent to First & Primary Schools in readiness for transition


  • Families are notified by Staffordshire County Council if they have been successful in obtaining a place
  • Welcome letter, data collection forms, home school agreements and policies are sent home


  • Mr Cole visits catchment feeder schools to meet Year 4
  • Mrs Howes and Mrs Williams liaise with schools to complete safeguarding and SEND handovers


  • Individual student visits for children joining from out of catchment and/or year groups other than Y5
  • Additional SEN familiarisation visits


  • Transition day for students. The perfect opportunity to welcome you to Penkridge Middle School; begin to learn the PMS way and develop a rapport between yourself and other students.
  • Transition Evening for families. Presentations from the Senior Leadership team and the opportunity to meet your child's Form Teacher. This evening provides families with the vital information about school systems and answers any questions you may have about September.

Transition Lead

My name is Mr Cole and I have the great privilege of organising your transition to Penkridge Middle School. That means, I have the wonderful job of meeting with your teachers, families and you to ensure your move from your previous school to middle school is effortless.

During the process of transition, I will visit feeder schools, talk with your current teachers and welcome you to transition day at Penkridge Middle School. 

I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that all staff and students here at Penkridge middle understand what it is like to be ‘new’ and will ensure that you settle quickly into your new environment and routines. Please know that, as a school, we are all committed to making your move to us as happy and positive as it possibly can be and that we are all here to help and support you.

I know that I speak for all at Penkridge Middle school when I say that we are so looking forward to welcoming you in September. In the meantime, continue to impress your staff and we look forward to meeting you soon to teach you the Penkridge Middle Way.

Very best wishes,

Mr R Cole, Deputy Headteacher and Transition Lead at Penkridge Middle School, smiling in a professional portrait.

Mr Cole | Deputy Headteacher