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Our Curriculum

Black and white icon of stacked books representing curriculum and education.  Our Curriculum within PVAT 

At Penkridge Middle School we set our own curriculum based on the National Curriculum. The curriculum is aimed to be broad, ambitious, challenging and enjoyable. Our curriculum is underpinned by up to date educational research including that of John Hattie's Visible Learning.

Our Local Governing Committee has been delegated responsibility by Penk Valley Academy Trust to approve and monitor our curriculum policies and plans. Local Governors work with us to ensure the curriculum intent and implementation are of a high-standard. The impact of our curriculum is measured through internal and external assessment and is scrutinised by the Standards & Performance Committee of Penk Valley Academy Trust.

As a school in a three-tier system (First, Middle and High Schools) we work closely with our feeder schools and the schools into which we feed, including those not part of Penk Valley Academy Trust, e.g. St. Michaels and St. Leonards to ensure that our curriculum is well-sequenced across all National Curriculum Key Stages.

At Penkridge Middle school, we are proud to offer a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares students not only for their next step in education but also for their life beyond. Our facilities, such as science laboratories, ICT suite and generous school grounds mean our student’s experience a relevant and challenging curriculum filled with high-quality enrichment opportunities from the moment they join us in Year 5. We boast a combination of subject specialist and primary teaching staff, allowing us to support our students effectively in their transition from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3. We have worked closely with schools within the Penk Valley Academy Trust to build a well sequenced curriculum that builds on prior learning and properly prepares students for their next step in education.

As a school, we follow evidence-based practice in our classrooms, and we are particularly interested in what research shows works best in education. Our teachers see learning through the eyes of our students, allowing them to plan and deliver a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of learners. Learning at Penkridge Middle School is designed to provide challenge and support to all students, including provisions for SEND students.

Furthermore, we aim to make students of Penkridge Middle School able to become effective learners both in and out of the classroom. A large part of this is allowing students to see the bigger picture of their learning, helping them to understand “Where am I going?”, “How am I doing?” and “Where to next?”. Through answering these questions, students will be able to take greater ownership and responsibility of their own education, seeking challenges and opportunities for learning. We encourage students to be motivated, independent learners who seek out challenge, using perseverance, resilience and support to overcome these challenges.

We also offer a range of extracurricular activities to supplement our timetabled curriculum. These activities are aimed at allowing students to explore further into an area of interest and develop additional skills and knowledge.